Satta Mattka Panel Count Chart shows the frequency of numbers drawn in the game. This chart helps players make informed decisions when placing their bets. By analyzing the data on the chart, players can identify patterns and trends. Understanding these patterns can increase a player's chances of winning. By referring to the Panel Count Chart regularly, players can strategize their gameplay effectively. It serves as a valuable tool for players to enhance their game plan.
पाना काउंट चार्ट पैनल काउंट चार्ट
पाने के तीनो अंको के जोड़ को पाना काउंट कहते हैं
जैसे 1+2+3=6
और अगर जोड़ 9 से ज्यादा आये 2 अंको में
जैसे 4+5+6=15 तो 15 को भी आपस में जोड़ देंगे
1+5=6 तो 6 इस पाने का पाना काउंट कहलायेगा
नोट - कॉउंट टोटल से अलग समीकरण है
118, 127, 136, 145, 190,
226, 235, 244, 280, 334,
370, 460, 550, 100, 777,
199, 289, 379, 388, 469,
478, 559, 568, 577, 667
299, 389, 479, 488, 569,
578, 668, 677, 119, 128,
137, 146, 155, 227, 236,
245, 290, 335, 344, 380,
470, 560, 110, 200, 444
399, 489, 579, 588, 669,
678, 129, 138, 147, 156,
228, 237, 246, 255, 336,
345, 390, 480, 570, 660,
120, 300, 111
499, 589, 679, 688, 778,
139, 148, 157, 166, 229,
238, 247, 256, 337, 346,
355, 445, 490, 580, 670,
112, 130, 220, 400, 888
599, 689, 779, 788, 149,
158, 167, 239, 248, 257,
266, 338, 347, 356, 446,
455, 590, 680, 770, 113,
122, 140, 230, 500, 555
699, 789, 159, 168, 177,
249, 258, 267, 339, 348,
357, 366, 447, 456, 690,
780, 114, 123, 150, 240,
330, 600, 222
799, 889, 169, 178, 259,
268, 277, 349, 358, 367,
448, 457, 466, 556, 790,
880, 115, 124, 133, 160,
223, 250, 340, 700, 999
899, 179, 188, 269, 278,
359, 368, 377, 449, 458,
467, 557, 566, 890, 116,
125, 134, 170, 224, 233,
260, 350, 440, 800, 666
189, 279, 288, 369, 378,
459, 468, 477, 558, 567,
990, 117, 126, 135, 144,
180, 225, 234, 270, 360,
450, 900, 333
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